A private contracting company shipping millions of dollars worth of products needed a solution that would enable them to easily track individual shipments and view trends in delivery times. Having insight into this data gave them the ability to pinpoint areas in the business that needed improvement.
Mobile first design
The creation of this digital solution enabled users to harness their data to make better business decisions and stay on top of valuable shipments. Taking a mobile-first approach increased the efficiency with which users could track shipments and pull reports on delivery times and total value of in transit goods.
From conception to execution
I had the privilege of directing a small group of designers and working directly with a development team to take this app from start to finish. We put together the initial groundwork with journey maps and users stories to make sure the application could accomplish shipment tracking, delivery status, detailed information on goods being shipped and tracking current and historical data of shipment values in transit. This groundwork then informed our wireframe prototypes and development of the UI kit.
UX Documentation
UI kit with atomic design structuring